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"before we beat off, let's talk about an offbeat" so begins johnny maldoro's academic diatribe on the differences between amateur porn and "amateur porn."

stefan - Mar 31 - 11:32 AM | reply (0)

never thought i'd ever say that, but it's true.

stefan - Mar 31 - 11:21 AM | reply (0)

okay, okay. i know we are all lovers of the ipod, but this is just too much. richard branson, wait; scratch that -branson's marketing team has gone too far with this idea(as reported by gawker, which, is my home page and probably the best site on the web for all things interesting, well written and humorous.) not to mention i would totally sleep with the person behind gawker and when i say sleep, i mean dirty, dirty sex.

stefan - Mar 31 - 11:11 AM | reply (0)

adventures in modern music THE WIRE since 1982.

stefan - Mar 31 - 10:37 AM | reply (0)

so, should we be worried about this? I mean, the pentagon is involved...

stefan - Mar 31 - 10:32 AM | reply (0)

i sliced up my finger today while doing manual labor. i should NEVER do manual labor.
now i'll never play the violin again...

stefan - Mar 30 - 10:55 PM | reply (0)

...watching this made me do boom boom in my pants

stefan - Mar 30 - 03:11 PM | reply (0)

i assume we all know these picture, but they're always worth a mid-afternoon visit and they're newly packaged in a neat little flash interface. enjoy gisele bundchen by david lachapelle.

stefan - Mar 30 - 02:47 PM | reply (1)

most of the beautiful photos on this site were taken by theapt's favorite shutterbugs michael weber and roderick angle.

stefan - Mar 30 - 02:24 PM | reply (0)

finally an exhaustive archives of all the beauty and joy that is fraggle rock.

stefan - Mar 30 - 02:16 PM | reply (0)