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stefan - Dec 30 - 02:02 PM | reply (0)

Aptxmas_5i don't want to get too sappy here, but it's true that theapt.com has grown tremendously in the past year and that is thanks to all of you who seem to find this mindless banter on pop culture and style interesting. may vishnu bless you all! the list of the websites and blogs who have linked us in the past year, a hearty thank you! to all our clients, you are like butta'! to our aptCrew, i love you all; it is so rare to find a group of people so dedicated and loyal to theaptCause, thank you. and to all the other designers, architects, tipsters and otherwise charming aptPeeps... (i promised myself i wouldn't cry, damn!...) thank you and stay tuned, 2005 is gonna knock your socks off!!!! see you on jan 3rd.

stefan - Dec 24 - 12:36 PM | reply (0)

ridley scott's newest: kingdom of heaven lloks just amazing!

little league soccer comes to life kicking and screaming.

and lastly, not a trailer, but xmas greetings from peter jackson from the set of the great and mighty kong

stefan - Dec 24 - 11:33 AM | reply (1)

as desperate as you might be to get a powerbook, DO NOT buy this one!

stefan - Dec 24 - 10:44 AM | reply (0)

saatchi sells his hirst shark...

stefan - Dec 24 - 10:40 AM | reply (0)

plusminuszero unveils their new collection and... damn, it's good lokking!

stefan - Dec 24 - 10:36 AM | reply (0)

create your own snowflake, won't you?

stefan - Dec 24 - 10:34 AM | reply (0)

i have to try my new whovel, damn it!

stefan - Dec 24 - 10:26 AM | reply (0)

... in fresh produce marketing:ripesense is packaging that tells whether the fruit therein is ripe or not...

stefan - Dec 24 - 10:22 AM | reply (0)

we get a look at how attractive jesus would have been to today's priests when he was 12.

stefan - Dec 24 - 09:55 AM | reply (0)