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i'm frankly getting a little tired of adriana lima! the smoldering look, the lips, the poses, the virginity. she's starting to register not so much as exotic hotness any more and more as brazillian annoyance. but that's just me...
stefan - May 30 - 11:57 AM | reply (2)
one million pod is hoping to set the world record for geekdom by getting 1M people to send their messages of love for the lovable computer company which will then compile and send them to his steveness for acknowledgment and confirmation of their inability to meet women.
stefan - May 30 - 11:52 AM | reply (0)
sweet like candy.
stefan - May 30 - 11:32 AM | reply (0)
as a child, i spent the summers in tunisia with my family since that's where they came from before immigrating to france where i was born. why did you need to know this? well, because that's where i learned to love television you see... i was never one for outdoor activities like boating or hiking or mass grave digging; for tunisia had italian tv (don't ask me why) and italian tv was all i needed...
stefan - May 30 - 11:30 AM | reply (0)
i didn't know one could postulate for a nobel peace prize for giving halle berry, and by extension the rest of us, relationship advice. apparently, you can. neil borman on the other hand, deserves it.
stefan - May 30 - 11:20 AM | reply (0)
goddess, the site for classy nudes is offering workshops to help you take better pictures of women you'll never meet. i encourage you to really get to the bottom of that 1-on-1 and small group instruction.
stefan - May 30 - 11:13 AM | reply (0)
another day, another feat of poetry.
stefan - May 30 - 10:30 AM | reply (0)
i'm a big fan of the recessed-seat polder sofa by hella jongerius. it looks very sleek and actually comfortable. the tone-on-tone cushions are a wonderful touch.
stefan - May 30 - 10:23 AM | reply (0)
i know this is from last week but i can't get enough of the woman's toes licked by man hiding under car. can you blame me?
update: here's the network report.
stefan - May 30 - 10:14 AM | reply (0)
i knew that alyssa was a poet, a sexy vampire (nsfw) and something to do with a boss of some kind but i had no idea she was also a talented recording artist with a flourishing career in the land of the rising sun! why don't these things ever make it to america? shame?
stefan - May 30 - 10:12 AM | reply (0)