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the unsolicited email read something exactly like this: hello, i am the founder of http://www.sunandsin.com. it is a new site that focus
on party and springbreak travel. i try to keep the site fun and have also
created a list of links to suitable sites that my visitors will be able to
enjoy. this is the list of links named "less sun, more fun" at the right
hand side of the site. I have added a link to your site, feel free to add
a link back if you want.
thanks, [email protected]!!! sounds like fun, fun, fun... in the sun, sun, sun, sun... and you're the one, one, one... we're gonna have fuuuuuun!!! (... ghost world reference)
goldenfiddle - Apr 27 - 11:13 AM | reply (0)
it would take a long time for me to expound on the virtues of nintendo. i could ramble, and i'm fighting the urge to do so right now, endlessly about mario, zelda, and how their power ups and gold coins made me the man i am pretending to be today.
in favor of all that, let's just all take a nice long look at this work of art and wish we were there to enthusiastically dry hump it admire it.
stefan - Apr 27 - 11:09 AM | reply (0)
this is the kind of design i love, useful design. the kind that tackles little things that we don't really see or even pay attention to but that help, not just decorate. the update to the lowly product barcode come from an unlikely source for all things useful, microsoft. but it's fantastic and will surely entice us to buy more, which is always good.
stefan - Apr 27 - 10:57 AM | reply (0)
she would continue spending her nights at the copacabana palace, probably in the arms of little jorge guinle. you know jorge guinle, he's dead. this is old news but i like to be reminded that brazil's most prominent playboy had moved from his hospital to a bed he once fornicated in at the copa; he also had a soup and died. the point is that stark is opening a hotel in ipanema, it looks awful and the palace still has no competition for upscale accomodation. stark's work is... well, the french would call it the minimum syndical. it is taking too long a time to open and once it does i doubt fasano 's impeccable management will save the hotel from its bland visuals.
stefan - Apr 27 - 10:46 AM | reply (0)
come on ba... this is bs.
stefan - Apr 27 - 10:34 AM | reply (0)
i never really saw what was all that special about diesel underwear other than the fact that the brand is well advertised on each piece of clothing lest we forget when we get dressed who we should thank for the support. that said, there are half-naked people in the pictures so i guess it's worth a look.
stefan - Apr 27 - 10:22 AM | reply (0)
when you first click on miniature earth, you think that it'll be cute to see what the statistics would be if you shrank the world's population to just 100 people. but as the numbers keep coming at you and you realize that the differences in the world are much wider than what you thought, with you/me sitting on the top of a world that needs our help, things get characteristically un-cute...
stefan - Apr 27 - 10:10 AM | reply (0)
way to paint over a six hundred thousand dollar mural, asshole.
stefan - Apr 27 - 09:58 AM | reply (0)
i love this idea. scouring antique shops and flea markets for the photos people discard, loose or otherwise find themselves in strange hands. photo trouvée is a compendium of that search, putting in your hands moments that you were never meant to see yet cannot help but wonder about context. it's a beautiful tome you should get for someone you love.
stefan - Apr 27 - 09:46 AM | reply (0)
hey, advertisers! have you listened to your own advice much lately? you know, about thinking out of the box... right, that's what i thought, look at what the japanese are doing with subway ads. from inside the car...
stefan - Apr 27 - 09:33 AM | reply (0)